-chore, -choric, -chorous, -chory
(Greek: a suffix: to spread, to disperse; to move, to go; to withdraw, to advance; a means or agency for distribution)
How Seeds of Plants Are Spread for Reproduction
Plants have various ways of scattering their seeds so young plants can spread around to grow away from their producers so they don't compete with each other in order to survive.
Many seeds are carried by wind, animals, or water; and some have fruits that are eaten by animals, which then deposit the seeds in their droppings.
allochoric (adjective), more allochoric, most allochoric
Related to a life form occurring in two or more communities within a given geographical region: An allochoric species inhabits two or more closely related communities in the same region,such as forest and a grassland,
allochorous (adjective), more allochorous, most allochorous
When seed dispersal is done through external means: Wind dispersal is one process of allochory which can take on one of two primary forms: seeds can float on the breeze or alternatively, they can flutter to the ground.
The classic examples of these dispersal mechanisms of allochories include dandelions, which have a feathery pappus attached to their seeds and can be dispersed long distances, and maples, which have winged seeds (samara) and flutter to the ground.
androchorous (adjective), more androchorous, most androchorous
Dispersed by the agency of man.
1. Dispersal of plants by humans.
2. A plant that is dependent upon people for its distribution.
2. A plant that is dependent upon people for its distribution.
Dispersal of seeds, fruits, or other plant parts by wind: Anemochore is also specifically applied to a plant that retains its seeds through the winter for wind distribution in the spring.
anemochorous (adjective), more anemochorous, most anemochorous
Reliance on the wind to scatter the reproductive elements of plants: An important constraint on anemochory is the need for abundant seed production to increase the likelihood of their landing in places that are suitable for germination.
Unusual mechanisms for successful anemochories include tumbleweeds.
Dispersal of organisms, such as seeds, as a result of human activity.
anthropochoric (adjective), more anthropochoric, most anthropochoric
anthropochorous (adjective), more anthropochorous, most anthropochorous
Plants that are distributed by the actions of people.
1. Dispersal of plant or animal spores, seeds, etc., accidentally or otherwise, by humans because of the adherence to clothing or by throwing elements of fruit, etc., on the ground.
2. Dispersal of plant and animal disseminules by humans: Anthropochory involves seeds, fruits, spores, or other structures that are modified for distribution purposes of reproduction.
2. Dispersal of plant and animal disseminules by humans: Anthropochory involves seeds, fruits, spores, or other structures that are modified for distribution purposes of reproduction.
1. Having no special distribution adaptation.
2. On the spot dispersal.
2. On the spot dispersal.
atelechoric (adjective), more atelechoric, most atelechoric